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Nano Zoa garden is such a boring title for a blog!

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I can't think of a suitable title for my blog so I will write my 'inane scribblings of a lunatic' then think up a title. At present I have 2 small quarantine tanks and no display tank. I had to shut down my 4'x2'x2' due to moving to a flat with wooden floors. I will be moving again in the next few months hopefully to ground floor accommodation. Not only do I want a larger system again I'm disabled so stairs are a problem. A flat is what we Brits call an apartment. so, why am I on an American forum? I love reefing, it's fascinating and exciting, I want to learn as much about the hobby as I can by learning from as many different reefers as I can. I am a member of forums from 4 countries, UK, USA, Japan and Germany. Every community does things differently. By reading forums from different countries you get the benefit of various opinions and ideas because different laws, customs and culture, costs and availability of stock affect how people keep fish/corals and what fish/corals they keep.

Moving on, I'm planning on setting up a small tank, not my quarantine tanks as they are old and scratched. I will be setting up a tmc microhabitat 15 or 30 as a Zoa garden. These little tanks have everything you need to keep a small amount of zoas, CUC and maybe a Yellow clown Goby. I have to keep the tank small as my wooden floors vibrate as trucks go past my window. I plan on using a Koralwellt Ceramic pillar as my main decoration rock with live rock rubble in the filter to seed bacteria, algae and critters. I have a friend with a very healthy DSB who is giving me some sand to seed my live sand with all the lovely worms and shrimp you get in a DSB. I have a guy who is going to supply me with 7 varieties of Zoas and a gorgonian once my system has been cycled.

That's pretty much it for now, I will update my blog as I move along. I doubt it will be of any help to any reefers on here but I like to keep a log of my progress for my own benefit but I am more than hapy to answer any questions from anybody. I still have'nt thought of a good title for this blog.

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Tags: goby, led, nano, tmc, zoa
Tank Entry


  1. melev's Avatar
    Every blog entry stands alone, so you can think of a new title that describes the content each time. Each entry is part of your history, so people can check your older blogs to learn this history. And anyone can "subscribe to your blog", getting an email notification when you post a new entry.

    I'm looking forward to reading about your experiences since you are overseas. What city are you in? In what way are you disabled? What does that mean for your hobby experience? Do you have anyone to help with the heavy lifting?
  2. Aughoti's Avatar
    I live in Ayr, about 35 minutes outside Glasgow. I have great help when it comes to the heavy lifting. I have ligament problems in my legs and feet and a tiny amount of brain damage it's the main reason I write everything down. I forget things as soon as I'm told them. The great thing about reefing is that because I spend a fair bit of time just looking at my tank (when I have one up and running) I notice when something is wrong pretty quickly.

    This forum is great. It's so different to ANY other forum I have seen. The layout is different and as such the experiance when looking around is different. It feels less 'sterile' more like a community. I know I have only been a member for a short time but I like what I see.
  3. melev's Avatar
    That's nice to hear. I've been on forums for about two decades, and I'm pretty sick of 'em. So this is what I came up with instead. I'm about to pour some time into more content for Reef Addicts, as many projects are getting completed currently.
  4. cyano's Avatar
    So nice to have you join us. My son has Cerebral Palsy and though I am though I am not sure on the particulars of your disability I can tell you that not only am I in this hobby for my own pleasure but my son is quick to show everyone who comes into my home the tank which is a joy to him.

    Have you considered a pistol shrimp goby pair in your zoa garden? If i ever decide to do a smaller tank again that is a combination that I think depending on the size could potentially thrive in those isolated conditions.
  5. Aughoti's Avatar
    melev you doing a great job. Looking forward to see what projects your working on.

    cyano, thanks for the feed back, sadly my LFS's tend not to stock them It was my first thought when I decided to set the tank up, I contacted my closest LFS and they told me there was no demand for them, that said they seem to stock a lot of fish that nobody wants and it's the same with corals, they have coral colonies that are more than 3 years old in their systems. I might try and get up to Glasgow at some point because the Shrimp/Goby is easily the best choice.