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Day 1, Friday the 13th

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Just as good a day as any to give your new tank its fist birthday. Right now between 1600 and 1800 all the lights are on, I have set them each for 6 hours with a two hour start delay for each halide. As you can see I have not cut off the threaded stock from the lights because the lights are not centered front to back over the tank, this may need fixed if I decide the front of tank is too dark. The rails stop at the crown molding in the garage which would give me a couple of inches.

As there is not a lot to see, I did not edit these at all. I think I transferred 8 fish and hand full of corals. The rock has lost almost all of its coraline with the exception of 3 patches. However, it is pest and xenia free and ready for a new leaf. fist order of business is going to let the tank adjust and settle for two weeks, meanwhile I am going to get some fish in quarantine.

I am going to wait to add any more clean up crew until I see some algae as the snails, conchs, and cucumber have nothing to eat at the moment.

Next week I will test and post some parameters, as of right now everything is at new salt mix levels.

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  1. blakew's Avatar's running, yay! I like the rock work...couple of low mounds leaves lots of swim room and room for corals to grow in. Looking forward to this on filling in over the years.
  2. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Looking good! Can't wait to see how it grows up.

  3. Heathd's Avatar
    Rock work looks good, its bommie like and isnt your typical massive rock pile in the middle of the tank..
  4. stangchris's Avatar
    damn thats nice! great rock work
  5. melev's Avatar
    It's been three days. What's new?
  6. Midnight's Avatar
    Well, nothing has died from the transfer. Getting a bit of brown algae on the rocks. Just letting things settle.
  7. melev's Avatar
    I'd probably reduce the light cycle period unless you have a lot of snails to stay ahead of the resulting algae bloom.
  8. melev's Avatar
    It's Aug 1. We want more news!