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Restart Update

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Well I thought I would give a quick update on what was going on with my tank restart.

I ordered 50lbs of keylargo rock from Marco Rock that has arrived.

I purchased a 10 gallon tank and filled it up to use as my frag tank, painted the back glass, made a frag rack out of light diffuser, installed a heater, 30 gallon rated biowheel, added a nano korelia, added led lighting, waited for the temperature to level out and started moving over frags. I did not cycle the tank though 5 gallons came directly from the display tank and 5 gallons was freshly made salt water. I did not "cycle" the tank as the corals I moved over were either on their last leg (acans) or extremely hardy (mushrooms).

I ordered 60 lbs of the Tropic Eden Aragonite Reef Flakes that should be arriving today while I am at work.

I ordered all new pre-filters and a new membrane for my RO-DI unit so I can do this thing right.

I also have decided that this would be a perfect time to upgrade my lighting so I have ordered the 48 dimmable led package rated for a 75 gallon sps tank from that is scheduled to arrive on Monday. I have 4 days off over the Thanksgiving Holiday that I am hoping to take full advantage of and get to work on all of this. whether I get the LED's ready or not by then I am not too worried about, I am more worried about getting the tank cleaned out and ready for livestock ASAP, but I will not be able to start refilling the display tank again until my replacement RO filters arrive which may or may not be before Thanksgiving.

anyone know a good, fast, easy way to clean a tank of corolline algae and other nastiness when it is drained? I would like to be able to have it ready to be aquascaped and filled within 24 hours of draining but ideally as soon as possible and of course I want to avoid damaging the seals during the cleaning process. I have read vinegar and water but I was not sure of the bast way to do that.

So all I lack to start with the main tank is to get my loaner tank from my friends house this weekend. ro filters, and I have to purchase some more salt mix for all the make up water I will be making, and time. I will take pictures and keep everyone updated on the progress.

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Tags: cleaning, DIY, led, restart
Tank Entry , ‎ DIY projects


  1. Midnight's Avatar
    Get a couple of gallons of muriatic acid, fill with water dump in acid and drop in pump for circulation. when ready to scrub after a few hours use rubber gloves. before dumping water, neutralize water with baking soda.
  2. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Start with a razor blade on the glass. Let the seems soak in vinegar for a few hours and you should be able to wipe them clean with no problem.
  3. cyano's Avatar
    well I literally just finished with getting the leds placed and I am hoping to get them wired up tomorrow during the annual turkey day cooking wait. I will hopefully hit they tank Saturday morning early and get it done by that afternoon and start filling it up Sunday. I need to get the back glass painted, the inside cleaned, all inhabitants safely moved to a temporary tank, re-aquascaped, and filled and if I can get all that done by sunday I will be a happy camper. I think i will try the spray bottle of vinegar and water/soak and see what happens, I am mostly just wanting to clean the back glass the front is not a big issue to clean but the back glass I can't get anything to put a dent in the coralline on it.