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Hair Algae won for now!!!

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Despite all efforts to deal with the hair algae I had in tank from previous owner i was fighting a losing battle so took the huge step of closing down the tank.

The live rock is cleaned and in a container with a powerhead and heater and so is the sand, the coral and fish went to a fellow reefer.

I have since stripped the red sea max down thoroughly cleaning the power heads and skimmer (not a nice job as was filthy and covered in scale - which meant the previous owner had been using tap water despite saying he hadn't)

Now working on scrubbing tank clean then setting it up again as a new system.

One of my main issues I have in this hobby is some people get tanks etc without doing homework and then fail to realise it's not like fresh water set ups and needs time daily/weekly/monthly to keep it looking beautiful though worth it for the beauty of having a lovely piece of ocean in your home.

Once back up again will document it with pictures as i build back up to a beautiful reef tank.

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  1. melev's Avatar
    It always makes me feel better when my gear is clean, so even though I don't relish the task, it's an important one.
  2. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    I'll second that. I love the look of bright clean equipment. Vinegar and Muriatic acid are wonderful things. Though I always feel a twing of guilt scraping off the little tube worms that seem to cover everything in my tank eventually.