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Setting Up My New Kessil a150w Ocean Blue LED Pendant.

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So after waiting the entire weekend I received my Kessil a150w Ocean Blue LED Pendant for my aquarium and being extremely excited I decided to go against the doctors orders and take a little trip to Home Depot for some supplies (my wife drove me as I am still not allowed to drive from the surgery). The aquarium is located in my dinning room and I just thought to myself for a while now that the wall located directly behind it was quite ugly and missing something. So after a few a few minutes of chatting with my wife we managed to come up with something that I am quite happy of and were able to setup the Kessil while not look like an eyesore.

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  1. melev's Avatar
    That looks so much better!!! Love it.
  2. B1N4RY's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by melev
    That looks so much better!!! Love it.
    Thank you Melev!