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Just another "old salt creep".....

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Marc -
I saw the RC ..."thing".....which led me to your site. I had followed your thread on RC for a long time, and always forund you to be pleasant, and most helpful to anyone asking for advice. Don't think I will ever understand some of the descisions made there......
But - I am happy to say that I will be supportive to your site now that I have found it!

I will start a build thread on here soon. I always appreciate your input.



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  1. melev's Avatar
    Welcome T - nice to have you aboard. We're looking forward to your future entries.
  2. teesquare's Avatar
    Thanks Marc - still feeling my way around here...but I like the difference in the style of the website!
  3. Jessy's Avatar
    Let us know if you have any questions or suggestions. We know its a new format, but if there's anything we can to do make it easier for new users, we're open.