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Blasto Wellsi help!

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Hello all,
I have a large colony of Red and Green Blsatomussa Wellsi.
The thing has been growing consistently, but has never "attached" onto anything that I have placed it next to.
just recently i have started to see the largest polyp, which is right in the center, start to "split" and several smaller polyps start to be visible in the area around the deflated middle polyp. This is the only polyp affected as there are several other polyps around it that are looking great and are of larger sizes.
Does anyone have any idea wth is going on?
These were taken on 4-3-10. this is when we really first noticed it.
As you can see the other polyps are out and look good.

These are taken today.
As you can see it is worse than on Sat.

Any help would be great.
This is one of my favorite LPS in the tank.
That also brings me to say that NOTHING else is suffering or even looking drab!

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Updated 04-06-2010 at 08:30 AM by kmjoen230

