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Custom made Protein Skimmer.

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Well from browsing through various threads on other forums and I know this is most likely the thousandth time someone has asked for advice on building there own Protein Skimmer. Now personally I am not looking to build a Protein Skimmer to lower my overall cost. My main goal is to build a custom piece of equipment tailored to my overall specifications with the added bonus of being able to say I designed and manufactured it myself. So if you have experience in building you own Protien Skimmer, working with Acrylic, working with PVC than any advice would be greatly appreciated. I will post rough schematics of the idea of the overall design shortly.

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Updated 04-29-2010 at 07:12 AM by KingNeptunesBounty

DIY projects


  1. melev's Avatar
    You can edit your blog entry by clicking the small pencil that appears next to the Subject title. Add your image and perhaps others will have some suggestions.