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ricordea florida questions

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once a week i feed my fish some raw shrimp from the supermarket, because they seem to like it and it gives some variation in diet. Today, however, my ricordea florida caught a large piece in its disc and pushed towards its mouth and is consuming it. My questions are 1) is this a bad thing and should i try and avoid this because I have read that they only eat very small plankton and 2) is this a good thing and should i now target feed this shrimp to my ricordea once in a while. I have many ricordea in my tank and if anyone has any input on this it would be great

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Updated 05-02-2010 at 09:59 PM by melev

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  1. melev's Avatar
    What kind of fish are you feeding raw shrimp? Ricordea can eat solid foods, as well as pellet food. Something small that fits their mouths.
  2. cdmorrison01's Avatar
    My ricordia eat mysis. They seem to love it.