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mr. fix it

refugium plants

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i'm movin on up to a 180 gallon tank with a 60 gallon adhi refugium, and i'm woundering what would be good plants to put in the refug with a sand/mud mix on the bed. any advise would be great, thanks. oh yea i live in california so it looks like that throws out a few options.

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  1. melev's Avatar
    Cheatomorpha is the best choice for you in California. It doesn't take root, grows well, and is bright green. There are some sea grasses that you can purchase online if you'd like to diversify somewhat.
  2. mr. fix it's Avatar
    thanks marc i'll give them a try.
  3. evoracer's Avatar
    Agree with chaeto. Whatever you do DO NOT use caluerpa, no matter how attractive people make it out to be. Very invasive, very hardy and can destroy an ecosystem (or tank) in short time if released!