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So Reef Central...

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Put me on a 60 day "probation" for posting a link to our local club forum in a local reefer's for sale post. He is not part of our club and I thought I would help him find local buyers. Funny thing is their tactic: They alert you by PM, then suspend your PM privileges so you can't respond. Yay RC Nazis! Forgot why I don't frequent that board anymore. Marc you ever thought of a Buy/Sell/Trade on here? That is really the only thing I go on RC for anymore.

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Updated 06-01-2010 at 11:17 PM by melev

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  1. melev's Avatar
    Yes, we have plans for the For Sale area, but it won't be what everyone is used to. You know me and my crazy ideas.
  2. evoracer's Avatar
    Drinking game decides who gets to buy what?
  3. melev's Avatar
    LOL - make that another great idea to add to the mix. If we implement it, everyone gets to blame you for it.
  4. dread240's Avatar
    I'll chug 4 for that acan?

    I have absolutely no problem stocking my tank that way.

    I signed up and have been posting a bit on there just so I can eventually see the buy/sell section... I won't lie though that I have a great time with the 'melev wrote this' and 'melev helped here' throughout the site.

    They may have banned ya, but I'll never let them forget who the real king is

    (countdown to my RC Ban in 3.... 2..... 1......)
  5. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Hmmm... Reef-bay, Coral-bay ( C-bay for short).
  6. TomNeely's Avatar
    I also would like to see a For Sale page on reef addicts. Even when I am not purchasing something I still browse through the eye candy…

    After all we are addicts and need to purchase more "stuff".
  7. CaelCynndarr's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by evoracer
    Drinking game decides who gets to buy what?
    We can call it the drunk tank!!
  8. Steved350's Avatar
    Mark got banned from Reef Central? For what? Boy do I need to read more.