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My 300G Reef in Saudi Arabia

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Some stuff (BulkHead) for over flow

Overflow boxes are read to silicone (Bathroom Silicon)

Bathroom Silicone

Well done guys, you have done good job. Overflow boxes on the back panel WITH BATHROOM SILICONE

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Tank - Full Summary , ‎ Plumbing , ‎ DIY projects


  1. melev's Avatar
    This tank is going to look so nice! Thank you for all your updates. You may want to name each blog entry specifically, because it will make it easier to find a previous topic when you need to or when someone else is looking for something. Just a suggestion.
  2. melev's Avatar
    Are there ANY concerns of any kind that the overflows may not stay attached since it is siliconed to a painted surface? This just occurred to me now.

    Your stand could have some type of support under each box to help assure it doesn't pull away over time, perhaps.