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I wanted to get people's thoughts on using chemi-clean to get rid of red slime. I have used it in the past but it seems very hard on SPS coral. The slime is not all that bad (YET) but it is getting on my nerves!!! Let me know what you guys think!

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  1. JABlacher's Avatar
    Haven't had experience using algae-be-gone chemicals in my tank, I've always been a bit leery of using chemicals for stuff like that. Figured that finding the source or reason for the outbreak and correcting that would be a better option than subjecting the water to a chemical. Just my 2-cents.
  2. melev's Avatar
    I've used Chemi-Clean for years and years and years. You should use as much as is required for your water volume (although I did try a double dose once just because I had to know what might happen). Turn off your skimmer, GFO, and carbon filtration. Leave it off for 72 hours, and then look at your tank. If it is clean again, do a big water change. If you still see cyano, treat again. (I've never had to double treat, btw). After the water change, turn on the skimmer, and restart up the GFO and carbon reactors.

    Usually the skimmer will go crazy that first day, so I recommend you have plenty of extra premixed saltwater. Throw out all the watery skimmate as it collects and replace that water with the premixed until the skimmer settles down. For my reef, it has 'wasted' as much as 14g on the first day. Annoying, but not the end of the world.

    I've never lost any livestock to this medication, and it has always nuked the cyano in my system. Matter of fact, the last time I used it I ended up documenting a crazy spawning event that occurred during treatment.
  3. TBDuval's Avatar
    The slime took over when my skimmer took a poop!!!!! My levels of nitrate and phosphates are still the same as before the slime showed up Nitrates=0 PO4= not changing color on Salifert test. Now that I have a new skimmer, I am wondering if I hit the slime with some Chemi-clean, just maybe I can get it under control again. When you say BIG water change, how big? I have a 200 gallon tank. Also, one last note, I want to do a product review on my skimmer I just purchased. How would I post it? Thanks a million!
  4. melev's Avatar
    I have a 280g tank and I do a 55g water change. I think the product recommends a 25% water change.

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