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the skimmer cup

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So this is what a broken octo skimmer cup looks like

and this is the only product I found in the Charlotte area today to fix the problem, fingers crossed

So Marc, here is the question, do I just make a bead of this on one part and put it together and hold it for a few minutes to let it set?

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  1. melev's Avatar
    If you have some acetate, you can wipe the surfaces first (lightly, don't go crazy). Then apply a thin bead, press and align it. You don't have to press hard, because it would otherwise press the glue out of the joint.
  2. melev's Avatar
    Don't drop that cup any more.
  3. Midnight's Avatar
    thanks for the advice
  4. Midnight's Avatar
    well its not pretty and I probably couldn't sell it but it holds water. Not sure if this is the same consistency as weld-on 16 but it is way runnier than I had expected.

  5. Hat39406's Avatar
    I'm glad it was fixable because skimmers are not cheap. ;-)
  6. melev's Avatar
    That reaction is called crazing, and is almost impossible to avoid. It should be fine though.
  7. Midnight's Avatar
    Hat you are right. And unfortunately the octo design has changed dramatically so the new cups would not work. One day I will talk my wife into letting me upgrade.
  8. raddogz's Avatar
    If it holds skimmate that's really what counts. The only one who gets to see it is you when you empty it out, or unless you make it a point to show someone.