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'Premnas Anemonarium' New tank build in the works!

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Finally decided on my dream setup, so I went ahead and ordered an Elos 70 system. In a month or so I'll have all the parts delivered and ready to get wet, but in the meantime here's a product list.

  • Elos 70 system
  • Icecap 250w pendant/ballast + 14k Phoenix bulb
  • Vortech mp40ES
  • Spectrapure RO/DI (sorry Melev, saved on shipping!)
  • 50lbs. of 'reef saver' rock from BRS
  • x2 American DJ 4-plug strips
  • Azoo quad fan

My logic
  • As this will be a species tank of sorts for my GSM pair and a slew of GBTAs, I feel BB is a no brainer. Quadricolors prefer to dwell on rocks opposed to sand and I'll also get to crank the MP40 without sand flying everywhere.
  • I think the 30 inch tank will receive a nice cover of light from the single 250w halide. I might get some dark spots on the ends but I feel this will add a dramatic effect and I will save on power costs compared to multi-bulb fixtures.
  • I'm against garden reefs. Absence of chemical warfare and other forms of competition allow for optimal growth.
  • Maroons and GBTAs will contrast nicely and it's also worth mentioning that the two species are natural hosts. Art.

Pending work/input?

Black acrylic for bottom of tank - Know any place that will sell custom cut sheets? Starboard better?

Light hanger - Plan on bending a single rod and hanging light perpendicular to the length of the tank. Good idea or bad?

Waterproof lining for under the sump - Might just use some thick plastic or water absorbent material.

Ziptie/cement rock to form a desired aquascape - I have a feeling that this will suck.

Location for power strips - The plugs are located on the top of the American DJ so timers will be difficult to fit. Thinking of building a wood POWER TOWER to put all the electric stuff in.


Let me know what you think. Trying my hardest to make this go as smooth as possible!


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  1. Hat39406's Avatar
    Hello, it seems you know the route of your build, good planning! I can't wait to see the progress of the build and the pics. What are the diminsions of the 70 gallon tank?
  2. bleachandvomit's Avatar
    30"x22"x20" essentially. I was leaning between a 36" long and a 24" cube. this is the best of both worlds!
  3. Hat39406's Avatar
    Very nice indeed! ;-)
  4. melev's Avatar
    I'm going to have to put Spectrapure on the cussword list, it seems.

    1) Black for base of tank. It better be 1/2" or thicker. Acrylic will warp. Starboard will a little as well, but even worse - it floats. Until your rock is in place, you need to weigh it down.
    2) Depending on the weight of the light pendant, the bent pipe is fine. Jessy did a good write up on how.
    3) Waterproofing the sump zone may help, but remember anything in the liner that gets hit with water will drown and burn up. This is a helpful gutter to pool the water, not a place to store stuff that should stay dry but MIGHT get wet. It WILL get wet if things go wrong. Their sump is matched to their tank, so I doubt it would overflow.
    4) It'll work, and it doesn't have to look bad.
    5) Good idea. The 4-plug DJ's are thicker & bulkier.
  5. bleachandvomit's Avatar
    Thanks Melev, I had no idea acrylic and starboard had either attributes! good to know! One more thing, would you hang the light perpendicular like i mentioned or just hang it parallel with two bent rods. I'm not sure which way will give more light to the sides of the tank as I've never owned a pendant halide (maybe i should just find Jesse's article).

    Much appreciated
  6. melev's Avatar
    That depends on the layout of the 70g, and the spread of the reflector you purchase.