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iPhone users, we have a button

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Did you know you can bookmark a webpage to the home screen of your iPhone? I did, but rarely used it. Now however, I had to! Jessy created a graphic just for iPhone users, so instead of it saving an ugly screenshot of the webpage, you get a cool RA logo.

Thanks goes out to Wes for telling me about the one he'd made for DFWMAS.

Name:  iphone4_app_button.jpg
Views: 1306
Size:  154.3 KB

Oh, and you can see my wallpaper is from Reef Addicts as well. Jessy is going to create one or more of those for y'all as well in the near future.

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  1. NightShade's Avatar
    Nice but i have to stick with my Blackberry. The iPhone just isn't my thing and a friend has one and his battery didn't last more than a day brand new.

    But since everyone has their own perfect smart phone check this place out, just pick your favorite and see what you think.
  2. Midnight's Avatar
    android here, poo poo on att's iphone
  3. KingNeptunesBounty's Avatar
    Android Incredible here. (Feeling lonely no app or button)
  4. melev's Avatar
    Our webmaster is an Android guy too. I'm sure we can get something generated for that when we know how to do it.
  5. Hat39406's Avatar
    Got it, nice, good job Jessy! IPhone rules! The only reason people use anything else other then an Iphone is because they never used/had an Iphone.
  6. KingNeptunesBounty's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Hat39406
    Got it, nice, good job Jessy! IPhone rules! The only reason people use anything else other then an Iphone is because they never used/had an Iphone.
    Hat39406, you had to be the one to say it didn't you. Don't get me wrong iPhones are a great devices if you like conformity personally I have had the 3G and 3GS models and I just recently switched over to Droid. For the average user iPhones are great (if you can make a call) but the abilities that you have with the Droid are limitless because no boundaries are set. Plus the application and integration of the device sports so many more features. Right now Droids are outselling iPhone 4-1 and I think if you take the time to appreciate what the phone can do in comparison you will realize that it is indeed incredible. But for the everyday user who wants something that is simple to use then iPhone is your thing.
  7. Hat39406's Avatar
    ;-p does it have a screen like the Iphone? Can you inlarge the screen likethe Iphone?
  8. KingNeptunesBounty's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Hat39406
    ;-p does it have a screen like the Iphone? Can you inlarge the screen likethe Iphone?
    Yeah we can do that too? Questions is can you do Flash?

  9. KingNeptunesBounty's Avatar
    Completely forgot to shoot in Hi=Def here some more including my live wallpaper :-) Sorry Hat39406 nothing but respect for you! :-)

  10. Hat39406's Avatar
    Heh.. I know! I know you miss ya Iphone! ;-p. I do wish I could do flash though. Can your phone read to you though? ( speech Reader)
  11. Midnight's Avatar
    I know that in Texas ATT has great service and that would be great to be able to use I-phone. However, here in the Carolinas ATT is not so great, so just making a call let alone looking for actual 3G service is very unreliable at best. Hey Hat can you run more than one app at a time?
  12. dread240's Avatar
    I rock the htc evo on sprint, and stat for stat it outclasses the iphone 4 in practically every category :-P

    We actually had this same conversation at Buffalo Wild Wings during the UFC fight... so then I let him use my phone for the rest of the night and now he wants a droid lol
  13. melev's Avatar
    I think many of the smart phones are really cool to have, but unless you are made of money, you'll end up with one kind. I'm thoroughly enjoying the iPhone experience. Yes, some multitasking is now possible. Kinda cool, but not always necessary.
  14. NightShade's Avatar
    I am really lucky, I got my Blackberry Bold 9700 about 6 months ago for 33.00 and a renewal of my contract. Gotta love NewEgg, got two LG Xenon's at the same time for free just had to pay shipping on them. Even right now the Bold 9700 is 200.00 with a two year renewal on AT&T's website. So that is part of the reason why I ended up keeping a blackberry, I got my first one as a cheapo curve 8310 and started finding a lot of apps for free. Got my Bold and have never looked back.
  15. Hat39406's Avatar
    I think Marc is right though, once you get a smart phone because of their price you fall in love with the one you have. I do believe all y'all when ya say ya love your phone. Smart phones are awesome life tools! I don't know how I lived without mine. I'm typing with mine right now. I do have great reception with my 3G where I live too. I'm on this phone 80% of the time and my desktop
  16. dread240's Avatar
    heh, I'm totally spoiled by the constant web everywhere I go. I'm actually using it right now on my desktop since my modem took a crap for fios, and almost every post I've had on here last week came while relaxing on the sand down in myrtle beach :-P
  17. NightShade's Avatar
    Nice deal Dread. I use my phone from time to time to access the net. Especially if I need an address, or other information on something I am doing. The GPS built in on my phone is nice too even though I only use it once every other month or so, it does come in handy. And even though you aren't supposed to do it I used a free trial of tether and used my phone as a modem so I could have internet access. Went to a McDonalds on the strip and the internet there was barely fast enough to download a single file 20 mb took 30 mins. Through my phone I could download the same file in about 3 mins, if I ever go back to vegas I am buying a copy.

    A side note, if anyone plans to go out to Las Vegas do not expect to find free internet access. Food is cheap, sometimes the rooms are too, and there are tons of interesting things going on along the strip that are free to watch but internet access will cost ya. One that I saw was 10.00 per day for cruddy wi-fi access.
  18. dread240's Avatar
    yea. I had two options for internet on my phone.

    One is through sprint itself, it allows my htc evo to be a walking wi-fi hotspot for up to 8 devices, but it's 30 bucks a month. The other is a free app called easy tether, that gives you direct usb internet connection to a single device that has root access (meaning it can install drivers for it). At times I had speeds upwards of 385kb/sec on downloads when I had 4g access, it was quite nice.

    I'll be using it all today too here at the house since verizon can't fix my setup until monday
  19. melev's Avatar
    A couple of friends of mine are using the Apple wireless battery powered keyboard with their iPhones & iPads. Pretty slick.