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Salt water

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Time to be salty.

NSW (Natural Sea Water) arrived . . .. . I got couple of 20 liters Bottles, to get water from Sea.

576 liters Natural sea Water is here.

In the same time, I made 120 gallon tank water changes with 15gallon and put this 15 gallon in my new tank .

Old water from 120G Tank.

It is really pain to fill this new monster with (NSW). I had choice to use syntactic salt, which is not bad, but I am doing the same what I have done in last three years.

152 Gallon filled. I have to fill this maximum by today evening to keep the water live and optimal condition.

Some rocks, which is already pre-cured in existing sump, put it in the tank.

Of course I will cycle my tank with Live rocks, every alternative day I will add small poundage of rocks in my tank.

Since tank is not fill until overflow, and no water in Sump, so no circulation and protein skimmer is working now.

For safe side I put both sides small power heads attached with air intake for oxygen and for little circulation.

Hope NES will not lose it optimal condition, as there is no protein skimmer and circulation in the tank.

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  1. Jessy's Avatar
    Nice. I live in California and we have access to NSW... It is funny because I actually prefer to use synthetic . But our oceans aren't supporting coral reefs off the coast of San Diego.
  2. melev's Avatar
    If you feel the need, you can always place the skimmer in your display tank. I'm excited for you.
  3. Hat39406's Avatar
    Wait, when are ya going to get the rest of the water in? I may have missed it. Man, I bet ya happy water, finally!
  4. dread240's Avatar
    tis nice to finally get wet :-P
  5. Midnight's Avatar
    San Diego water is capable of supporting reefs you are just on wrong side of continent. My understanding is that all reefs and on eastern sides do to getting more sun.
  6. syedjilani's Avatar
    I checked Salinity 38ppt - Specific Gravity 1.028+. i think the whole sump will be added with RO/DI

  7. syedjilani's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by melev
    If you feel the need, you can always place the skimmer in your display tank. I'm excited for you.

    I thought about that, but since the tank has been filled same day, skimmer height is not that much that I can place inside the tank

    I put some more cured live rock. Since there is no substrate at the bottom, I can see small creature is finding their food on the bottom glass and swimming around. I am sure this is an indication that the water is still healthy. Everything is going fine; otherwise, all the creature may die.

    Infect i had an accident, when I tried to put sump inside the stand it hit the corner to floor and a piece of glass broke. , i called the guy who made the sump, confirm him to fix the problem as soon as possible.

    Immidiatly called the factory and ordered new 10mm Glass, I arrange new bottom glass and picked the guy at the night to open the entire sump and replace the broken glass.

    It took four hours but at last, we ended up with new another sump early in the morning.

    With the help of that guy I placed the sump inside the stand and filled fresh water and start circulation (inside the sump only). Is'n it funny Tank is full of Salt water and sump is full of fresh water.

    Anyway, today I have to fill the sump with NSW mix with RO/DI to adjust salinity.
  8. melev's Avatar
    Aww man! I can't believe you nicked your new sump and had to rebuild it - that's just par for the course I suppose.

    That's great news that you were able to quickly get it resolved though. How long after it was glued did you end up moving it and filling it with water?