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29 gallon death tank

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I swear, I can't keep fish to save my life.

Willard my blenny is missing. No sign of him. One of my 2 cleanup crews is absolutely thorough as I can't find any trace of him in the tank or near it if he jumped. This weekends project was a screen top for it too after my green mandarin jumped a lil over a month ago

The corals, 2 black clowns and gamma are doing fine. Water parameters are great, and I just looked at him yesterday and he had a full belly. Why for they no like to stay in tank?

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Updated 07-22-2010 at 01:47 AM by melev

Questions - Need some input


  1. melev's Avatar
    When you observe the tank from across the room, what are the current fishes' behavior? Are they aggressive, chasing newcomers out of the tank?
  2. dread240's Avatar
    The 2 clowns cuddle and snuggle all over the place... and I've never seen them be aggressive to anybody.

    The larger of the 2 clowns is bigger then the gramma, so the most that happens is the gramma comes close, flares it's mouth at them and retreats. I did see one time that the gramma went after the smaller of the clowns (which is about the same size as the gramma) and that enticed big mamma into action which chased the gramma away, but that was only like 2 days after the black clown pair were introduced.

    In regards to the blenny and the mandarin though, they were far bigger then the gramma. My lawnmower blenny was easily 3.5-4" compared to my gramma which is at most 2" atm. There's still the possibility that he may still be in the rockwork... though I'm sure dead and being feasted on by the local clean up crew. I'm not sure if stomatella snails would help dispose of evidence that quickly, but I do have about 40-50 of them in the tank right now, ranging from .25" to over an inch. Other inhabitants are 8 mexican red leg hermits, about 6 or 7 astrea snails, 10 or so tiny bristle stars (less then an inch and a half) and one large banded serpent star who is about 6" across on his legs.