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Cerith Snail temperature acclimation

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As I was bike riding along Back Bay in Newport Beach, CA, I noticed thousands of cerith snails out on the mud flats. I haven't taken any readings to determine the salinity and temperature in which they are residing, but I would like to ask other addicts if it would be possible to acclimate some of the Newport Beach cerith snails into a tropical (79 - 80 degree) system. Any thoughts? Suggestions?

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  1. Midnight's Avatar
    Yes, should be fine
  2. JABlacher's Avatar
    Might want to make sure that collecting is legal though. Not sure if you could successfully acclimate them to tropical conditions though.
  3. mro2you2's Avatar
    If they dont live still free shells for the hermits.
  4. Midnight's Avatar
    I don't think you'll have to worry about grab 10 ceriths for your tank, now if you were grabbing them for major resell then a permit would be handy.
  5. Midnight's Avatar
    on second thought grab me another ten.