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u mike

silicone help

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I want to know if someone has a solution to help remove any excess silicone (not a razor blade). I had to take apart my sump because I used the wrong silicone. I have scraped off what I can, know i was looking to get glass & tank cleaned the best I can so I can reglue it back together.

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Updated 08-11-2010 at 02:57 PM by melev

Questions - Need some input


  1. melev's Avatar
    You can clean the tank with rubbing alcohol where you plan to re-glue it. However, razor blades are the only way to cut that stuff out, usually. Some use a very fine wire like a piano string or the smallest (E) string on a guitar to cut it. Wear gloves so the wire doesn't bite into your flesh.
  2. michika's Avatar
    My tank builder also told me to use straight Acetone. It stinks and I don't recommend it unless you're in an extremely well ventilated area.
  3. u mike's Avatar
    I got all the large bits of silicone off just wasn't sure what to use to get the glass clean.
    thanks U MIKE