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Next on my To Do list

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Tomorrow I'm getting injections in my spine to hopefully help heal up the damage in my neck and upper back. It's been awful, and you'll hear a bit about that in the next podcast that is long overdue.

On Thursday, we'll pull the sump out of the fishroom and into the living room. When that is done, it will be replumbed to the vats. The angled tank will be set up on a temporary bridge over the sump, and the LR barrel will be plumbed in as well. I want to get everything tied together. Even the little Suncoral tank.

Friday - Sunday I'll be in Pittsburgh, as I'm speaking to the club about Pests in the Aquarium. If you are in the area, be sure to attend. The meeting info is on the Calendar (linked above in the Navigation Bar) page.

Next week, I'd like to get the concrete work accomplished somehow.

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  1. kileysmama's Avatar
    Oh dear.... injections in the spine.... Icky yuck. I do NOT like needles. Even a bit. I waited until I was in delirious amounts of pain before having any kind of IV or epidural with my kids. And even then I second guessed....

    I can't even comment on the rest of your post. Injections in the spine!!! EEEEKKKKK!!!!!!!
  2. melev's Avatar
    Trust me, with the amount of pain I've been in, this is a welcome relief. My doctor told me that this is nothing by comparison and told me to skip the anesthesia.

    Hopefully within 72 hours or less, I'll be in better shape than I am right now.
  3. Hat39406's Avatar
    Hope everything goes good tomorrow for ya Marc. ;-)
  4. melev's Avatar
    Thanks. Going to bed now so I'll wake up in time to make my appointment.
  5. Hat39406's Avatar
    Yeah sleep will be good for ya neck too! ;-)
  6. NightShade's Avatar
    Ouch sorry to hear that Marc. My wife is actually having some problems with her neck and back. She has a couple problems with either slipped or bulged discs ( can't remember exactly which one) and degenerative disc disorder. They are going to do a nerve test and they are going to try therapy for now. Then if that doesn't help she will start looking at an injection for pain relief, and after that surgery.

    Anyway take it easy for a day or two afterwards so you can get full relief and be careful not to cause any more problems.
  7. melev's Avatar
    The sump is officially in the livingroom and I'm completely exhausted. My son took a bunch of pictures, and I'll try to get some posted tomorrow. The fishroom is almost completely empty. The angled tank is empty. The LR is tied into the entire setup finally. I'm off to take a pain pill. Nite!