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Wallpaper murals

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Hello All,

I'm in the process of setting-up my first aquarium: 180g reef. 6'x2'x2' Have been reading, studying and planning since December 2009.

Since I'm new to Reefkeeping, and since I received so much great info and help from Melev and this site (Marc recently made a sump for me - EXCELLENT QUALITY & WORKMANSHIP), I may have some info that can help someone. I'm putting the aquarium in my dining room. The rear wall (which will be behind the aquarium) is 13' wide, 7.5' high. Since I have been scraping old wallpaper to paint and prepare the room, I thought it might be neat to have something of an "Ocean" theme on the rear wall.

Did some searching for wallpaper murals, and found some breathtaking scenes. Here is some of what I found:
This is the one I purchased.

Some others:

The wallpaper is available in vinyl and painter's canvas. I received "strikeoffs" - samples of both. The vinyl is cheaper, and at certain viewing angles, it is too "shiny". I bought the canvas - it looked great at ALL viewing angles.

Take care,


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  1. Midnight's Avatar
    Wow, that will be neat to have behind your tank. How hard will installation be...are you going to get a professional to install it? I have the absolute worst thing you could have behind your tank, a full wall mirror. Unfortunately I couldn't figure out how to tank them down. I honestly think they glued them to the wall.
  2. Michael128's Avatar
    Hey Midnight,

    I've done a good amount of wallpaper hanging in my home, but, since the canvas mural cost me $800, and since the canvas is in approx. 3 to 4-foot wide sections, I'm going to hire a professional for this. I'm doing all of the wall prep work myself - scraping wallpaper, applying primer, painting the room. One quote from a pro to hang the canvas was $250. He said it would take him 2 or 3 hours. Will get more quotes, but I'm ok even with this quote - because this is my very first aquarium.

    Yes, I understand about the mirror behind your tank. Would be great if you could find a way to remove it.
  3. Michael128's Avatar
    Forgot to mention this.... The mural I purchased will completely cover my 13' wide x 7.5' high wall. Had to crop (on the murals website) a little off the top and bottom to make it cover the entire wall. You can enter the size of your wall on the murals website, and then see how it will fit on your wall, and how much it will cost.
  4. sedor's Avatar
    I had no idea you could actually buy that sort of thing. Cheaper i'm sure than hiring an artist to come in and paint the mural.
  5. melev's Avatar
    Those are really nice looking and I bet the vinyl will last a long time. It'll be easier to keep clean, something you can wipe down with a damp towel. Thanks for all the links and for sharing your experiences so far.
  6. Midnight's Avatar
    My wife and I had a professional painter come in and do my older daughters room in an Ice Age theme and I think we paid her around $1000. We did the base paint and she did characters on each wall.
  7. sedor's Avatar
    Nice, I guess I don't feel so bad for what I charge for my graphic design skills.