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well guys i now think i have ick in my new 150g set up my coral angel has some white spots on it and i think its the beginning of ick i need to know what you guys recommend on how to fix it with out a hospital tank thanks for the help

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  1. dryreef12's Avatar
    without a q tank, best results ive had are with a uv sterilizer, and a good source of food, dont let your peramiters drop any though, with a good source of nutrition for the fish, and the uv sterlizer to kill the parisite it should heal naturley over time.

    good luck, post a few pictures, because it could be a bacterial infenction
  2. sedor's Avatar
    I have spent countless hours on other forums talking about the controversial subject of ich. Maybe I should write up a blog. Anyways, i'll share some of my thoughts. Keep in mind this is my opinion and based on my experiences. I'm not trying to start any fights.

    Ich is a parasite that is prevalent in likely most of the animals in our aquariums and even in the ocean. Its true there are ways of "curing" and animal from this disease by using copper or hyposalinity, but overall I feel it should be treated more like a common virus in the human body. When I say virus of course i'm not assuming that ich is a virus, becaues its's a parasite, an actual living organism that hosts, breeds and dies in our aquariums. My point is however, that like many of us that house virus' in our bodies for our entire lives, its similar to a fish with ich. Most of the time they have it, but you never actually see it. Then something happens in your tank like a fish dies from acclimation stress, maybe cyanide capture, shipping stress, or one of the many other factors that kills these animals in our aquariums and days before the animal dies all you see is it riddled with white spots and we instantly come to the conclusion that we lost another fish to ich. Actually, ich in and of itself is not fatal. It shows itself when a fish's immune system is not running at full steam. My point is that in most cases a fish will die in our tanks due to something completely different and we blame it on ich because its the visual symptom associated with the death.

    I have seen ich come and go in my tank. I have a tang that seems to always have a spot or two just because he is sensitive and we all know tangs are ich magnets. I have never actually lost a fish to ich though. If the animal is eating, my conclusion is always that it will be ok. So what does all this mean? Basically we don't need to be afraid of ich, it will come and go like the common cold. We can go to extreme lengths to keep it out of aquarium, but did you know that ich can even travel into our systems on a coral! Its pretty impossible to treat a coral with copper or hypo. In one way or another I have come to the conclusion that it will always be in our system, and the best we can do is feed our fish a healthy diet and provide them with the best water quality we can. Meet all their needs and you will likely not ever even have to see the dreaded white spots.
  3. slickrick18766's Avatar
    well thats a good explanation im not to fond of meds anyways so i guess i will let it play its cours the fish is eating and seams to be healthy so i guess i will let it be for now thanks sedor
  4. sedor's Avatar
    Any luck...its been a few days?