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Basic Frag Tank

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I know this subject has been discussed probably more than anyone can count, but I need to be sure on this. I have been fighting Maidens Hair, for almost a year now and it seems as though you simply can not kill this stuff while it's in the water. So I want to remove my coral, what I can save that is, and then remove my rock and nuke it.

I have a 55 gal w/ a PM R30 fuge and a PM 100 skimmer. I have 7 small fish, 2 sand stars, 2 conchs, and 1 long tentacle anemone,plus the usual clean up crew.

The other question is, how will all my livestock fair without the rock?

So back to my original question. What's the best way to set up a basic "temporary" frag tank?

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  1. bleachandvomit's Avatar
    You might be able to kill it by running biopellets to out compete the macro.
  2. RobbyandKristie's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by bleachandvomit
    You might be able to kill it by running biopellets to out compete the macro.
    I tried a phosphate reactor,even though I couldn't measure any. I usually do a 10 gallon water change each week so I've never had a high po4 nitrates or nitrites. The phosphate reactor did successfully starve my chaeto and I went from having a large green mass to an empty fuge. I stopped the reactor and bought more chaeto.
  3. Midnight's Avatar
    Bio pellets are going to work a little less drastically than regular phos media. besides if it starts to minimize the maidens hair then the chaeto being gone isn't a problem.