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How to make a sump out standard aquarium

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I have owned all different kinds of sumps from Trickle to tub type, This unit is the easiest to do. I wanted a refugium included so Picked up a 55 gallon tank for my 55 gallon Aquarium. I figure the more water volume the better. There is reason to that thought but not a place for it in this blog.

I scored a older aquarium from a local dealer around here for 50 bucks. I had glass at the house already and know how to cut it , so I grabbed the old glass cutter layed the 1/4 inch down and cut my baffles. I left enough room in sump to have the tank drain and not flood. After cutting the baffles to the size I needed, I took the tank into the living room and set it on it edge(end). Took out my old thick novels I had and used them for spacers, working from bottom up it looked like this.

After one side is done turn it the other end and do the same on that end,
After letting cure for 48 hours I did a water test to ensure it held and flow was corret.

I stuck in the skimmer to see what it look like, Of course I knew it fit.

Now just a side note here, I did cut the baffles again because I felt the baffles were to high, I did not take pictures of it but you still get the idea.
It very easy to make and lasts forever, or until next upgrade. If you have any question please ask.

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  1. Midnight's Avatar
    very nice, and since you used glass baffles you should not have expansion problems.
  2. ryancmatchett's Avatar
    Can you fill us in on the silicone you chose to use? I am going to be assembling one of these soon, and have seen many people use the RTV108, but wanted to see what you recommend?
    Looking forward to seeing more of your DIY projects.....
  3. Reefdaddy's Avatar
    Yep, its pure silicone. I got from Ace hardware. It has no algacide in it. The key to buying silicone is ensure beyond doubt that there is no added chemicals for mold or discoloration.