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Le Plan

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I'm aware nanos are a relatively high maintenance system, however, with my limited space and budget I have decided that, when funds are allowing I shall probably be purchasing one. My intention would be to run a substrate free system with some live rock, a few mushrooms and possibly some inverts. I think it'll be a nice foray back into the world of reef keeping even if it seems a little distant at the minute.

Hope everyone's well.


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Updated 08-30-2011 at 04:17 PM by melev

Tank Entry


  1. melev's Avatar
    Welcome to R.A.

    Nanos can be lots of fun as well. Just watch salinity and temperature, as those two affect water parameters quickly in a smaller water volume. You will probably want to dose two-part to keep stable numbers if you plan to add more challenging corals, but initially that won't be necessary.