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Some thing strange

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So, here it goes…

As usual, after half an hour lights off, I feed my Anemone, for that i closed all circulation to let it feed. Almost half an hour later I observed where it reached. I saw almost 18” long blue color threadworm was floating in the tank. Immediately I caught it with the help of net and put it in measuring jug.
See Video:

While I was catching it, 2” part of it broken down in the net and moving like mother worm. After 15 munities or so the small part of it burst in the water and release five or six small larva, you can see in second video.

The other big worm almost two hours later, it burst same like the small one “sediment of it you can see on the bottom of the jug” and release a lot of larva, see in the video.

I want to know your opinion, I am sure this is not Bristleworm ………..

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  1. mledford's Avatar
    I believe what you have is what is referred to as a bootlace worm. They can grow very large. I believe the scientific name is Lineus longissimus.

    I don't know much about them and not sure of there effect on a Marine Aquarium. Probably not good though.
  2. MarcG's Avatar
    That is incredible! I'm not sure what it is, but here's a site that might help you identify it:
  3. Gozer_1's Avatar
    Snake surprise! Ugh, marine worms gross me out for the most part. This one is surely in that category.
  4. Gozer_1's Avatar
    MarcG that is one bunch of gross creepy crawly worms. Lol, very interesting though.
  5. Rydr119's Avatar
    Its like something from a science fiction movie
  6. bleachandvomit's Avatar
    The fact that it's defense mechanism is to burst into babies reminds me of aiptasia...
  7. MarcG's Avatar
    LOL it reminds of of the Flood on Halo