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My 300

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Here is the start of my 300. I closed a room in my house and made a office with my tank being viewable on both sides. It is starfire on the 2 viewing panels. My sump and fuge are in my garage. Still want to change my sump out one day for a nice custom one but here is my progress so far. My tank has already been up for 3 years. Hopefully next year I will get the office side done and my new sump.

Here is the wall in my garage where my sump and fuge will go

Some of my Marco Rocks

MY 150 in my Garage that is now a fuge

Spray bar from the bottom

This is what I am trying to shoot for

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Updated 10-28-2010 at 10:54 PM by melev

Tank Entry


  1. Hat39406's Avatar
    Nice work already! Looking forward to the rest of the build. ;-)
  2. melev's Avatar
    FYI, you can post quite a bit in the initial blog entry, instead of adding more as replies. The replies are for us to chatter about your blog entry.

    Edited your entry.
  3. Jessy's Avatar
    Holy marco rocks batman!! I'm getting some of those for my tank as well and now I'm stoked to see those amazing pieces!
  4. turbot04's Avatar
    Thanks guys. I didn't realize it to later. Hey does that R/O look familiar.hahahahah

    I head you talking about your tank in the pod cast Jessy. If you can mix them with a little live rock they will grow coaline fast, not sure about the benificial bacteria but a few little pieces of live rock with different colors hopefully from different tanks or different LFS and it will help to speed things up. I also added some coaline scrapings from buddies to my rocks. I look forward to seeing your sexy tank come together.
  5. Jessy's Avatar
    Yes, I'm hopefully going to get one live rock from a friend (I've already scoped it out.) And tie it into the rest of the marco rock. I'm so stoked I can't wait.
  6. turbot04's Avatar
    Little pieces here and there help the diversity IMO.