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I'm undecided on what type of bulb to use.

HQI DE or Mogul SE?

I've read that HQI DE give off less heat and are more intense, true?

Which do you use and why do you think it's better?

Thank You.

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  1. Plantguy's Avatar
    Ahh, fun question. LOL

    As far as the claims made, I tend to read what Sanjay posts, the lamps have a lot to do with it as well.
    For Example...
    Ushio 10K DE, running an M80 ballast, PPFD of 84.
    Ushio 10K SE running on a M58 Ballast, PPFD of 118.
    EVC 10K DE, running an M80 ballast, PPFD of 147
    EVC 10K SE, running on a M58 ballast, PPFD of 95

    So yeah, its all in the details.

    Right now, Im back to SE lamps. Mainly because Im trying the Dual-Arc 10K/20K lamp from ReefBright.

    With the current setup, I wanted a smaller pendant so I could get my large meat-hooks in the tank as much as possible without having to move a large fixture. Problem there, no supplements, have to choose between growth, and looks. The dual arc worked perfect, I get 10K growth during the day, and 20K looks at night when Im home actually looking at the tank.