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If it has been a while since you backed up your computer, do so now before you forget again. Protecting all your data is important as once it is lost, you rarely can recover it. I have an external harddrive that I use only for backups, and hook it up occasionally to do a full back up. Last night, I backed up 82gigs of images, videos, and website content that I've amassed over the past 10 years. Having a fresh back up is best.

I don't use programs like Ghost as I don't want my files compressed or altered to a specific program's format. I just want to have a duplicate that I can pull off the external drive if need be.

I never back up the C drive since it is only programs that can be reinstalled from scratch. The data (docs, spreadsheets, power point, pictures, video, music, etc) is what I don't want to lose.

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  1. Jessy's Avatar
    I backed up yesterday too. And transfered some data from old hard drives to new ones. Can't be too safe
  2. Snakebyt's Avatar
    i need to do a backup, i keep meaning to get another terabyte drive for backups, but i never do. All extra money either goes into the tank or my motorcycle
  3. melev's Avatar
    That's huge. I'd think a smaller drive would back up the more essential stuff.