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New display under construction!

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We decided to go ahead and order a new tank from Great Lakes Aquariums. We ended up ordering the 205 show, 72X30X22. Our current leaker was 72x18x24. So we lose a few inches of height, but more than make up for it in width. I do believe my fish, esp my 3 tangs, will adore their new home. I'll get some pics up soon of the tear down and current homes for everything. I was going to get some pics up tonight, but am feeling a bit lazy, lol.

I'm going to be fragging a bunch in the next week to prepare for the GRMAS (Grand Rapids Marine Aquarium Society, Grand Rapids, MI) swap. Jon has volunteered to go and man our tank/booth since I work every sat at the best LFS in Grand Rapids. Hopefully, this will recoup *some* of the new tank costs. We do have a rebate from Menards that will be going towards building materials for the new stand and canopy. Jon is thrilled to have a new project. He was pacing back and forth staring at the empty tank, standd & canopy earlier tonight muttering to himself, lol. I'm pretty sure that means his creative process has begun!

We'll be heading to the Detroit metro area on Sunday to pick up the new tank. God (or whomever) willing, we'll be able to leave the kids with grandma and grandpa so we can have a leisurely trip and possibly dinner with a good friend while we're over there. Man, does pinkeye suck!!!!! I'm going on 7 straight days in my house with one or all of the kids (we have three) with the dreaded pink eyes. I'm ready for a break!

I plan to scoop the substrate out of the tank tomorrow and get it emptied out completely to see if the tank does simply require a reseal. If so, then Jon will set it aside for warmer weather. It'll be a few weeks, at least, before the new tank is ready to go online. Hopefully, my livestock from the display will be happy down in their temporary homes until then. I have one 6" blonde Naso who needs a bigger temporary home than the 30 gal square he is currently residing in. Jon's got a 40 long to put him in almost ready to plumb into the system. Possibly tomorrow night if he's not too tired. The last few weeks have been crazy busy for him, and he comes home just exhausted.

Anyhow, I'll update with pics as things progress.

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  1. Trido's Avatar
    The new tank sound like a much better footprint than the last. Keep us posted with lots of pics.
  2. melev's Avatar
    That does sound like a nicer tank. Congratulations.

    Visine gets the red out. So half the dose gets the pink out?
  3. Paulo's Avatar
    Did you find out where it was leaking? Good luck with everything!
  4. kileysmama's Avatar
    If I had followed through and actually dug the sand out, I might have. LOL I chose to throw a cranky fit once Jon got home and go to bed instead. I do believe the kids are rubbing off on me!!!!