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180g Tank Build - 11 mos. and counting.

Anyone have a favorite movable background between their tank and their fish room?

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I'm wondering if some type of drawable blind is the answer. I like being able to see my aquarium from the fish room side, but I don't like being able to see my fish room from the front of the aquarium. Any descriptions/pictures would be much appreciated!

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  1. cyano's Avatar
    I do not know or have heard of anyone doing that but you probably wouldn't have too much trouble pulling it off with a big pull down blind (like the type that don't let light through the window) paint it black or find one that color and its spring loaded so it will stay up and lock down easy when you need it to
  2. melev's Avatar
    You could use foam board and affix it to the back of the tank with velcro. I've considering doing that with mine, painting it black.

    Another member said he draws a curtain behind the tank. He can see through the curtain a little from behind because the tank is well lit, but can pull it out of the way when desired.
  3. blennyman's Avatar
    curtains! I ended up getting some cheap black felt curtains from Lowes and hanging them with a cheap piece of PVC tubing. The downside is that I now have to move them out of the way to see the fish, and I can't get them COMPLETELY out of the way, but it's a good tradeoff for the price and functionality. Here's some pics: