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Hi, all.

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Hello, everyone at Reef Addicts.

I'm Kaia, I live in Los Angeles area near Santa Monica. Very happy to be here and thought I'd say hi. I'm ready to learn and help!

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  1. melev's Avatar
    Hi Kaia, welcome to RA. Tell us about your tank, or your plans for a tank.
  2. baker.shawn's Avatar
    hey Kaia, i also look forward to a tank introduction
  3. SantaMonicaHelp's Avatar
    We have a 90g mixed reef tank and all 4 types of corals are kept in it.
    A yellow tang, a blue tang, a hippo tang, a powder blue tang, a maroon clown, a coulpe of chromis, a lawn mower blennie, a madarin goby, and a blue ribbon eel who's five years old.
  4. melev's Avatar
    Sounds like you might want a bigger tank in the future for that list of livestock. Very pretty selection, to be sure.

    Mandarins are dragonets, not gobies. It's a common mistake that I've been trying to correct for years.
  5. DJ in WV's Avatar
    You been popping up every where lately, Welcome to ReefAddicts
  6. a whiff of grapeshot's Avatar
    Welcome to ReefAddicts!
  7. Hat39406's Avatar
    Welcome to this awesome site! I know you will love it here, I do.
  8. SantaMonicaHelp's Avatar
    Thank you for all the warm welcomes!

    Quote Originally Posted by DJ in WV
    You been popping up every where lately, Welcome to ReefAddicts
    Yes, we are very excited about the new DIY product for nano tanks, you probably already have all the parts.
  9. SantaMonicaHelp's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by melev
    Sounds like you might want a bigger tank in the future for that list of livestock. Very pretty selection, to be sure.

    Mandarins are dragonets, not gobies. It's a common mistake that I've been trying to correct for years.
    Well, I'm going with the flow of the common names.
  10. melev's Avatar
    We'd love to see pictures. You can attach them in blog entries, link them in replies, or upload them to your own Gallery area to share from.

    What are you feeding your eel?
  11. SantaMonicaHelp's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by melev
    We'd love to see pictures. You can attach them in blog entries, link them in replies, or upload them to your own Gallery area to share from.

    What are you feeding your eel?
    We feed the eel frozen sliversides.