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pH and Temp swings

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Here is my pH and Temp

Any input?

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  1. Mits's Avatar
    That looks ok to me. I've always read that ph changes throughout the day along with your light cycle. I've always had larger temp swings, and no real problems from it. My coral has been fine and my fish seem unaffected. Mine would routinely go up to 84 and everything was ok. The only problem came earlier this summer when my central air went out and my house hit close to 90. The tank was up to at least 88 with the lights off and the only stuff that was hurt was the sps, especially montis. When I fixed the air and the tank got back down to normal I thought the sps would continue to bleach but it's actually come all the way back to full color and polyp extension in just a few weeks. I wouldn't recommend it, just telling you that 79-82 is fine.
  2. Hat39406's Avatar
    Hey MidNight and Mits my friends let see your FTS'!

    MidNight sorry about going off topic. ;-p
  3. matt_longview's Avatar
    They don't look too bad, but what do you currently have to balance them out? I see what I think is MH's over the tank (your temp rising with your pH pretty much screams high heat lighting... plus I can even tell they turn on at noon and shut off at 6 or 7), and something seems to control the pH at night... keeping it between 7.8 and 7.85... do you have a calcium reactor or anything running on the tank?

    So, you could add a fan to your sump that's controlled by the Apex and turns on at 80 degrees. I saw a guy add a fan to his and really lock in his temp swings. It's about half way down. Look for the charts. It took his temp swing from 4 degrees to 1.5 degrees. Here's a link to his build log:

    For pH, it really depends on your tank and it's setup. If you run a sump with a skimmer in a closed area (a small room or a closed tank stand) see what happens if you keep the doors open on the stand. If after a day or two check the chart and if it helped balance your pH you could install some fans and vents to help get more fresh air into the closed tank stand. If it doesn't you'll have to try some different methods. Lighting macro algae in a refugium counter to the main tanks lighting will help. You could also drip kalk only during the night (if you're already dosing... if you're not there's a lot of water testing and research that goes into that).

    I agree with Hat too... would love to see your tank pics! :-)
  4. Midnight's Avatar
    My tank is in a dining room converted to a sitting fish room.the sump is in the garage that has been converted to a game room with pool table, and ac was installed.I have a big reef dynamics skimmer and refugium with reversed light period.I will take a few pics tonight.
  5. melev's Avatar
    Here's my pH for the past seven days.

    Your pH and the tank temperature do correlate because the lights encourage photosynthesis. Oxygen levels rise, the pH rises. At the same time, the lights are also warming up the tank.

    In my Day 183 update, I showed how a computer fan helped reduce the tank's peak temperature.