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upgrading and cooking rock

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in the next couple of months i will be upgrading from my 40 breeder to a 75, i got a deal i couldnt resist. In the 40, i have some aptasia, not out of control, but i still dont like them. I am also fighting bubble algae right now as well. I would love to not have these issues in the new tank. Since i know ahead of time would it be a good idea to cook a good portion of my rock, or would it make more problems upgrading to a bigger tank with less "live" rock. Also, how would it effect my current 40 to take out half or more of the rock?

here is some background on the rock. I got it from a friends tank that he had running for 5 years or so. He had a few fish in it and basicly just topped it off. it has been in my tank for a year and a half now. Just wondering if cooking it before the upgrade would be a good idea

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  1. blennyman's Avatar
    I know I may not be answering your questions directly, but just so you know, there are other options. I like to watch aptasia and majanos melt by injecting a very small amount of white vinegar. I've done this many times and would recommend. Just don't go crazy because it will lower the pH if you use too much. An option would be to create a 'nuking bucket' on the way to your new tank. Bubble algae? That's something which is best overcome by good water quality in my experience. And it doesn't hurt to have something that grazes on it like a foxface or a naso tang (both of which are probably too big for your setup).
  2. dahenley's Avatar
    i dont think the aptasia is a big deal. (we have nuked a few by injecting them with super saturated calcium or alk. (anything super saturated will nuke it if its injected in them. plus it doses the tank while your at it.))

    bubble algae is the kicker......
    (and i have a few little bubbles that i want to get rid of... and i cant get a fox face or tang. so are there any other choices??? )
  3. Midnight's Avatar
    Emerald crabs eat valonia aka bubble algae.
  4. Snakebyt's Avatar
    i had an emerald in there, he died a couple weeks ago, he never touched it,, maybe i need to get a couple more
  5. baker.shawn's Avatar
    i think if you want to completly avoid having issues with BA and aptasia this time round your better off starting fresh with something like marco rock and maybe just seeding with 1 or 2 pieces that you know are free of any pests