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Saturday - it's raining... what to do

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Clean the penductors and get the flow improved again
Fix the sandbed on the left end of the reef
Rearrange the rock and corals a little for a new look
Remove dead coral rubble in the sand
Make space around the Sebae anemone and move some zoanthids
Clean the overflow panel
Clean the Vortech pumps - soak in vinegar
Feed the fish
Water change
Clean the sump of detritus, tube worms and other calcifications
Clean the skimmer body and skimmer cup
Clean the lid and Swabbie
Flush hot water through the airlines of each skimmer pump
Soak and clean all three probes

Still to do:
Clean and refill calcium reactor
Replace CO2 tank
Calibrate pH probes
Hook up dosing pump to calcium reactor
Clean and refill carbon reactor
Clean and rinse out saltwater polytank
Refill polytank with 250g of RO/DI water
Dose Probibio
Clean more Vortech wetsides
Test water

Future plans in February:
Build new frag system
Clean up wiring under power station
Touch up paint in fishroom
Install baseboards
Change out vent fan

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