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Online fish/coral suppliers

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Just trying to get some feedback on various companies you guys have dealt with in your adventures with building your tanks, mainly livestock suppliers. I'm very fortunate to be about an hour and a half from Dr. Mac and that is most likely who I'm going to, but I just want to know who else is good out there to not be afraid of dealing with. I've also been looking at liveaquaria alot too since they have some nice cleanup crew packages that I can specify what I want, and not just getting whatever they deem fit.

Also has anybody come across any better deals then the pacific east frag packs? I'm lookin at 100 bucks for 10 frags of pretty much any variety I want, he just picks them. (I honestly am not toooo picky about what's going in the tank, just a nice mix of everything) I have time before my next purchase anyways, so it's good to get some feedback prior :-P

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  1. Midnight's Avatar is the main online live goods vendor that I would recommend. I try to get live goods locally only so I can inspect it first.
  2. Mits's Avatar
    Premium Aquatics is really good too. They're based out of Indy and I've never had a bad experience with them. It helps that I live right down the road, but they are primarily an online vendor.
  3. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    I've ordered from both Liveaquaria and Blue Zoo Aquatics with no problems.
  4. timmybenz's Avatar
    Salty Underground is the only place have ordered from and everything went great.