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Anyone a ReefTutor subscriber?

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I'm not sure if it is okay to post questions about other reef sites but I do know that you are a little more tolerant when it comes to discussing what other sites would see as "enemies/competitors".

Anyway, I was wondering if you know anything about ReefTutor (American Reef) and if so, is it worth signing up and paying? ($12 for 6 months - seems very reasonable).

I love your podcasts and the previous ones you did before starting Reef Addicts, but for newbies like myself it is great to have that visual aid to help understand things. Hence the reason I'm thinking about signing up for the aforementioned site.

All comments are appreciated.



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Updated 06-06-2010 at 01:15 AM by melev

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  1. melev's Avatar
    I'm not familiar with it. You should let us know how you like it as others might be interested as well. What do you get for the money spent?
  2. Spurredon's Avatar

    Basically, the site has 3 different "video channels" - two free channels and one you have to pay for:

    (1) FREE - A product showcase channel where they review products, though it seems a lot (not all) of the products are supplied by their sponsors so not sure how objective they are, but they seem fair enough.
    (2) FREE - Advanced Aquarist video series, published in the online reef magazine of the same name, where they visit and talk to experts in the hobby and visit large public aquariums, etc.
    (3) PAID SITE - ReefTutor - this is the paid channel, with 100+ videos on how to care for and maintain fish and corals, as well as additional/follow-up videos related to the product showcase channel.

    I looked at a few of the free videos on the product showcase channel - review of ESV B-Ionic salt and some amazing Indian Ocean live rock. There has been a lot of talk recently online about the ESV salt so it was interesting to see what exactly comes in the 2 boxes. They are doing some testing/comparisons of several salt brands (basic tests that all hobbyists would have access to) and I believe the results and further videos can be found on the paid channel (ReefTutor).

    I will probably sign up and will be able to give more details later but definitely something others might want to check out for themselves. You can never have too much information (unless it's wrong information!).
  3. melev's Avatar
    Sounds interesting. Thanks for the info.
  4. johnbanks's Avatar
    i'm from the UK and we have very little (that i know of) reef communities. I subscribed to the paid channel and it updates through my podcast. Theres a new one weekly and for the equivelent of £8 for 6 months its actually cheaper than buying a generic fishkeeping magazine monthly or even a marine keeping magazine and the subject matter is always interesting whether they are covering different fish and they're suitablilty or at the moment how they are installing a custom 300 gallon display tank (might not seem to much to you guys but i dream of having my own fish room).

    In my opinion its well worth paying for and is often cheaper than a magazine subscription and its not out to compete with social sites like this.

    Hope this helps

  5. Steved350's Avatar
    I wait eagerly every sunday for the next episode of Reef tutor to come out. Well worth the money!!!!
  6. Spurredon's Avatar
    Thanks for your input John and Steve.

    Can you actually download and save the videos to play on other media players? Or do you have to use iTunes to view them? I'm probably in the minority here but I'm not a big fan of iTunes or Apple in general, but that's a different debate for a different time/forum!
  7. Spurredon's Avatar
    Just wanted to update that I did signup for Reef Tutor and am really enjoying the videos on livestock, husbandry, plumbing, tank tours, etc. There are a couple of things that I question such as their use of fish to start or cycle the tank as well as how quickly they set up some of their reef systems but overall it's been well worth $2/month!! I recommend it for beginners like myself especially.