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90/50 combo tank update

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I finally finished the stands and pretty much one canopy, so I was able to move the smaller tank into the house! I've already mixed new saltwater in the 50, and it's now sitting there with some good flow to really reach equilibrium before I plumb it into the existing 55 by adding another return to the sump. Is there anything I should consider as far as shocking my main tank beside temp and salinity? It's the same salt I already use so think of it as a massive water change reservoir sitting next to the established tank. Once I get the two running together, I'm going to let everyone get comfortable while I finish the canopy for the 90, then move the fish everything with coral on it over to the 50 so I can exchange the 55 for the 90 and move everything back with the same technique. I have several round, solid softball sized rocks that will be getting the hammer/chisel treatment to make more interesting shapes as well.

The 50 will be a frag tank after everything is moved back over to the 90. I'm thinking I'll aquascape after getting water running in the 90, then let my huge RBTA run around and find a spot before putting anything else in. Is there anything I can do to make an area that it would gravitate to? I'm thinking a really tall island just for the RBTA. Finally, I am thinking of adding a fish to the frag tank that may be a bad idea for the other tank. Maybe a third clown or something, as long as it's reef safe. Any ideas?

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  1. MarcG's Avatar
    I just recently plumbed a frag tank into my existing system like you are. All I did was add new salt water to the frag tank and didn't see any shock to my system at all. Just keep an eye on all you levels (temp, salinity, alk, etc) and you should be fine. Just watch it for a good 30 mins to make sure the returns and drains are running at where you want them to.

    As for the RBTA I think letting it roam around is a good idea before you put anything back in there. Just remember it will probably move later down the road. My GBTA was in the same spot for about 3 months before it started roaming again and now I can't find it. I like to make sure that it has somewhere that it can hide its foot, isn't getting blasted with flow and is getting enough light. When you put it in place it near where you want with your hand lightly over it so it doesn't float away and it should try to grasp onto the first thing it touches. Then just wait for it to stop moving. Good Luck!
  2. Mits's Avatar
    Thanks. My RBTA hasn't moved since he found his favorite spot like a year and a half ago, so I hope he follows suit in the new tank.
  3. Hat39406's Avatar
    Nice progress Mits! Man I was looking through your blog a bit ago, is that Zoa colonies all in your tank? And your Monti's are beautiful!
  4. Mits's Avatar
    Every pic I've posted is from my own tank. The zoas are all in there, for now. I have a plague of zoa eating asterina stars that have wiped out some bright greens I have and now I think they're targeting those red ones. I just got a small harlequin shrimp to take care of them but he's hidden in the rock since the day I bought him. Thanks for the comment on the montis, some of them are coming out nicely.
  5. Hat39406's Avatar
    I redone my rock work today. My red Monti was starting to look darker and sagging. lol I have him back high and he loves the new lighting. I have a red one piece that stands tall and the colors are faded a bit. I think it needs to adjust to the lighting. You have some nice lighting, are ya going to use them MH on ya new tank too? Yeah huh, I would, they are nice. I stayed away from MH. I thought about getting a retro for MH buy decided on running the VHO's and the T-5's. I may get some later if I see the SPS I have is not growing, i'll see.
  6. dread240's Avatar
    It's sad but I'm really trying to avoid an anemone as I don't want to deal with it moving around in my smaller tank... I just hope my clowns take to a frogspawn or something.
  7. Hat39406's Avatar
    The last time I had an anemone was about 13 years ago in my 30g reef tank. It moved in the back of my I do want to try another, BTA. Hopefully it won't move to much.
  8. Mits's Avatar
    YI'm moving the 2 250w MH bulbs over to the 90, and I added a new ballast and reflector for another 250 for the frag tank. You should see my RBTA today. It looks like a waterslide. Huge.
  9. Hat39406's Avatar
    You got the 90g up and running? Moving livestock yet?
  10. Mits's Avatar
    No, I have SW running down into a 5 gallon bucket for bulkhead leak testing and letting the new water reach equilibrium. I'm going to start moving livestock once I plumb everything in and it's all looking healthy. The 90 is in the garage on it's stand with an unpainted canopy that still needs doors made and trim finished.
  11. Hat39406's Avatar
    Ahhh, okay..I think i'm more in a hurry then you, just want to see it up and running and ya livestock happy in their new bigger tank. ;-P I know...I know...good things take a little longer. heh