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So my fish got iched right up overnight and I lost my tang.. thought I lost my damsel but I just found him under a rock.. The only method I have right now for ich would be hyposalinity in a 10 gal quarantine..
I have need done this so I wanted to see if anyone had any recommendations... Im wondering if i should just leave him in the display tank and im sure hes gonna get better.. but I do want to get rid of this ich.. i mean I might as well at this point right?

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  1. Plantguy's Avatar
    Yeah, QT all fish, and let the tank sit fallow long enough to break the life cycle of the parasite. It's the only way to fly!
  2. TheBChamp's Avatar
    Well I only had two.. and both are dead now ... so the at least 8 week cycle begins... Sucks man I have had my damsel for over a year now.
  3. Plantguy's Avatar
    Bummer. Time to clean up the QT, and get something new cooking!
  4. TheBChamp's Avatar
    Yep... woohoo fun. So while im waiting now im trying to figure out if I could build a protein skimmer