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protein skimmers

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i was wondering if anybody had any comments or feedback on the new line of skimmers by reef dynamics, the company that took over for euroreef. i'm especially interested in the ins180 skimmer, to go in the 180 gallon reef tank i'm setting up. any thoughts or other ideas would be great.

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  1. melev's Avatar
    It's the same guy that sells under the new name, it isn't different management. Jeff can answer any questions you have. I've not run this type, so I can't help.
  2. Mojo~'s Avatar
    Really its similar to the vertex in 180. minus the bubble plate. It uses a threaded neck so not much has changed with them over the years. They do work well. I would probably spend a little more money and get the SRO 3000.

    But not bad for the $$$.
