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A Little Help Please

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Hello Everyone,

I have what is probably an out of the ordinary question. I was wondering if anyone could tell me of any churches in the Dallas/Fort Worth area with aquariums. We currently have a 100 gallon reef aquarium in our children's area. We are building a new building for our preschool and children and I just found out they are going to not only keep the aquarium but they want an additional BIG aquarium. This is very exciting for me because I was working on how to convince them that we needed a BIG aquarium when we build this new building. When I went to meet with our Preschool Director, she told me up front that she wanted BIG. Needless to say the rest of the meeting went very well.

So she asked me to try to locate other churches in the area (Dallas/Fort Worth, Houston, Austin) that incorporated an aquarium in their church so we could see how they worked it into their design. I've happened upon First Baptist Dallas and IBOC (ours won't be that big ), but I didn't want to pull out the phone book and start calling all the churches asking if they have aquariums.

If anyone can help me with this I would greatly appreciate it.

Audra Murphy

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  1. melev's Avatar
    The Irving Bible Church as a nice reef tank too. I think it's a 240g.