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My First Frag Swap

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On Saturday I went to my first frag swap, hosted by my local reef club, the Bay Area Reefers (BAR). Here's my loot in the quarantine bucket:

It was a little overwhelming actually. There were swarms of people, a pleathora of raffles, and the picking rounds seemed to flash before my eyes. I couldn't find everything I was looking for but I'm very happy with what I got. For some reason I ended up with three frogspawns when I really wanted more hammers but they were sadly missing at the swap. I also picked up two zoanthid colonies and my first Acanthastrea. It was the general swap which means that non-members also participate, but I hear that the members only swap later this year is supposed to be even better, so I'm looking forward to that.

There's a Rhodactis hairy mushroom on the left of the photo, which I didn't pick up at the swap, but through the club's Don't Break The Chain (DBTC) program. It seems that just by breathing within the vicinity of the club I get instant offers for corals.

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Updated 02-18-2011 at 09:17 PM by gerbilbox

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  1. melev's Avatar
    Awesome. Congrats on your new acquisitions. (Please be sure to categorize your blog entries.)
  2. dread240's Avatar
    I get my first frag fest tomorrow... this isn't the members swap but a fundraiser the club does for only members. Fragging out some colonies so we can pay cool people like melev to come hang out with us (still can't believe I missed that)
  3. Coventry's Avatar
    That sounds like so much fun! How did you hear of such?
  4. gerbilbox's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Coventry
    That sounds like so much fun! How did you hear of such?
    I was on another forum that a few local reef keepers frequented, and they mentioned the swap. As it turns out the San Francisco Bay Area has a very large and active reefing community, so I'm now a member of the big club and look forward to their future activities
  5. Neelixx's Avatar
    Not to go off topic too bad, but am I the only one that seems to have trouble thinking or saying Frag Swap?

    I either want to say Frag Swap (Swap as in Clap)
    Frag Swap (Frag as in Frog)

    I wish Middle Tennessee had something like that. Sounds like alot of fun!!
  6. dread240's Avatar
    My wife was definitely giggling at me and taking out the R when I said where I was going today, but I did at least come home with 12 new corals by pawning off some old equipment I wasn't using anymore anyways
  7. gerbilbox's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by dread240
    My wife was definitely giggling at me and taking out the R when I said where I was going today, but I did at least come home with 12 new corals by pawning off some old equipment I wasn't using anymore anyways
    I'm not lucky enough to have a frag swap sans the R. As a Battlestar Galactica fan, I sometimes think frack swap