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In honor of the fading snow...

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I love snow, and nothing is likely to change that. Last weekend on the very first official day of Spring, DFW got hit with an unusual snowstorm. People in north Dallas received 9" of snow. Where I lived, not a flake in sight. However, last month I enjoyed a weekend in the mountains of Arizona, and here are a few of those moments I enjoyed.

The entire weekend it came down, giving me yet another good reason for a nice roaring fire in the fireplace.

I've never tried to photograph falling flakes, so they aren't as visible or crisp as I would have liked.

This little guy was on the porch but by the time I got my camera it was brought inside. Still, I had to take a picture of that cute little cap!

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  1. VitalApparatuz's Avatar
  2. Trido's Avatar
    You and your fires........
  3. melev's Avatar
    I love fires. If only I had a fireplace here, I'd have it going all winter. I'm seriously thinking about installing a pot belly stove in my living room to give my pyro-side an outlet. It would be useful, it might be a talking point to others, and it would let me enjoy watching the flames.