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150 Gal Build continued

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Well, I spent most of the weekend pouring over my books and various web sites trying to figure out what I'm going to do with this tank. One of the issues is a 2' wide center brace that refuses to clean up. Something is clouding it that I can't even scrape off with a razor. Almost looks like it's etched. It's also low enough that the underside will always be covered in algae or salt creep. So the center of the tank is going to be a bit dark no matter what I do. So I think at least for now I'm going to set it up as a fish only tank with live rock. This will let me have some of the not-so-reef-safe fish I like too. Like some of the dwarf angels and smaller butterflies.

Anyway, blogs need photos. So here's some before and after pictures from the cleaning operation.

before, there was a lot of dried up algae in the tank.

And after a couple hours of vinegar and elbow grease.

The heater is so I can stand to put my hands in there to work on it. My tap water is about 40F, and the shop is only 55F. Even after sitting overnight with a 300W heater the water temp was only 48F.

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  1. 1AaronTravels's Avatar
    Looking Good, That stand looks like the same type that I have underneath my 120gal. Amazing that those designs can hold the weight.
  2. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Thanks. Since I do live in an earthquake zone I'm going to fill in the back with a sheet of plywood to give it some additional shear support. I'm also debating whether or not to refinish it, or use it as is. I do plan to make a matching hood though.
  3. Hat39406's Avatar
    It cleaned up nicely Phil, good job! I say refinish it. Everything else is getting redone, shoot go for it. And, go for the reef, ya know ya want it! ;-)
  4. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Hat, I'd love to have a full reef this size, and will probably eventually get there, but for now I just don't want to spend the time and money. Too many other irons in the fire right now.
  5. Jaxom's Avatar
    Hey Phil, lookin good! Personnally I would refinish it since you're going to make a hood for it anyway .............. easier then to get them to match. What color are you going to paint the back, that's something I'm starting to think about on my 60" tank.
  6. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    There was a 300 gal blog here a while back that was painted dark blue on the bottom fading to sky blue at the top. I'm going to try and do something like that.
  7. Heathd's Avatar
    A little bit of elbow grease? Dont you mean a lot of elbow grease?

    Looks much better cleaned out. Keep up the good work.
  8. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    After soaking for 2 days most of the crud just wiped off. A razor scraper made short work of the rest. So no, not too much elbow grease.
  9. DJ in WV's Avatar
    Looking good phil. Shop? Looks like a hanger wish i had someplace that size to work.
  10. 1AaronTravels's Avatar

    I spray painted the back of mine 2 colors from HD, Brilliant Blue (gloss) and Lagoon (Satin), no specific patterns. I attempted it the 1st time thru with the tank upright and all the paint ran, so I had to flip it on its side so to speak and then the paint didnt run. I'll post a seperate thread with pix as I cant add them here. A.
  11. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by DJ in WV
    Looking good phil. Shop? Looks like a hanger wish i had someplace that size to work.
    Yes I live in a hangar with a small apartment on top. Check out my photo gallary titled "My other Hobby" under my profile.