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I totally didn't see them

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One of my friends came over today to pick up his critters from the Keys Critters group buy, and spotted a mass of eggs flowing in the water. I hadn't noticed them, and if I had I would have assumed it was some white sponge, but he's obviously right. I'm guessing Chromis eggs, but really have no idea. Neat find, right?

If you happen to recognize them, please reply below.

According to him, because my tank was leaking, the fish panicked and bred before it was too late. I had to laugh at that, because these fish only saw the water drop down to the rockwork and the flow felt different. If it really was a water quality shocker, I think the anemones would have split as well.

That being said, the lighting periods are different, a number of other variables are in flux and I wouldn't be surprised if more strange stuff shows up when I get back from MAX.

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Tags: eggs
Propagation - fish & corals


  1. mpedersen's Avatar
    I'm guessing Dottyback Eggs...they look just like a Dottyback egg mass, and I know you have the three running around in there. Chromis eggs would be smaller and are laid spread over a surface (i.e. a green chromis nest can be several inches in diameter, and the eggs are around 1mm in diameter). I'd stake a big wager those are dottyback eggs.
  2. mpedersen's Avatar
    Also, could be a dropped cardinalfish clutch (i.e. if you have spawning Pajamas).
  3. melev's Avatar
    The section you see was flapping in the current like a thin mint strip or fruit-roll-up, not a mass in a three-dimensional sense. It waved like a flag, and it took a few shots to get what you see. Had I turned off the flow, it would have settled out of sight.
  4. Blown76mav's Avatar
    My Chromis usually lay clutch's on flat surfaces, never seen them lay eggs like that.
  5. cyano's Avatar
    probably angel eggs, they knew of your plot to remove them and decided to fight the power!