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TH3C1SC0K1D's Frankenstein Aquarium (Brightwell Reef BioFuel Dosing).

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Brightwell Aquatics Reef BioFuel Dosing

I was lucky enough to stumble across a bottle of Brightwell Aquatics Reef BioFuel today in a local fish store in Long Island near my job. I am using this to provide a carbon source for Phosphate and Nitrate removal. According to the instructions I must add approximately 2 drops per 1 gallon (I have added 10 drops to my aquarium) and will have to leave the Protein Skimmer off for a period of 2 - 6 hours after each dose (in my case the since I am dosing the Brightwell Aquatics Microbacter7 which requires the Protein Skimmer to be off for 4 hours after dosing anyway I will choose 4 hours as the period for leaving the Protein Skimmer off). I will be on this schedule of dosing until Phosphates and Nitrates are undetectable by my test kits and then will convert to 5 drops every day to 1 drop every day.

Photographs: Brightwell Aquatics Reef BioFuel 250ml bottle.

Blog Update - Wednesday, June 15, 2011

So with my recent aquarium upgrade I have had to alter my dosing regimen to accommodate the increased water volume. I have increased the daily dosage from the instructed 2 drops per gallon (10 drops in my old Fluval Chi aquarium) to 16 drops in my new 10 gallon aquarium (subtracting 2 gallons of water for the space occupied by the sand bed and live rock). I am currently on "Day 6" of the initial dosing regimen with the Brightwell Aquatics Reef BioFeul and I can honestly say that from the looks of the aquarium this stuff is working! I don't ever remember setting up an aquarium from scratch and having it look this nice for this long. The sand bed looks clean and healthy and I don't see any nuisance algae whatsoever. But it's just the first week I will let my water quality test speak for themselves.

Photographs: Random photographs of my 10 gallon aquarium showing the ultra clear water.

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Updated 06-15-2011 at 11:05 PM by TH3C1SC0K1D

