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anyone know if there is a 12 step program for tanks?

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o I have the 55gallon freshwater,

im working on a 55gallon salt water tank now

I also had a 5g tank that was for a quarantine tank.. but the woman called and said set it up I am bringing something home.... ok


I cant put them in my 55 g freshwater cause they will terrorize the rest so they go into the 5 gallon for now.

The woman today finds a 75 gallon used acrylic tank for like $40.... shes gonna get it tomorrow.

So now im thinking I snag the 75 gallon for saltwater, she gets the 55 gallon for the green spotted puffers and what ever other evil fish she wants.

Ohh did I mention im getting 2 - 33 gallon fish store display tanks...each tank has 3 dividers ... im thinking one for quarantine and the other....... who knows...

Wow....what have I started.... I need an intervention

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Updated 10-05-2010 at 01:18 AM by melev

Questions - Need some input


  1. NightShade's Avatar
    Growing up at one point in time we had one 120 gallon five 55 gallon tanks, six 29 gallon, and eight 10 gallon tanks in our living room and a room full of stuff we had gotten a hold of in the basement. . . all freshwater btw. Everything got sold off at one point and we ended up having a pair of moluccan cockatoos a pair of umbrella cockatoos, about 50 pairs of lovebirds, 75 pairs of cockatiels and a bunch of other stuff we were basically running an aviary. Throughout all the birds and tanks we had anywhere from 3 to 15 small poodles and at one point 3 rottweilers. I have removed dew claws, docked tails, hand fed baby birds that were 2 days old and tube fed them as well ( instead of letting the bird decide it's eating pace a syringe and catheter is used to place the food directly into the crop). The 1994 explosion of an anhydrous ammonia plant about 6 miles from where I lived pretty much messed up my lings and killed off over half of the birds. . . that was our intervention.

    Now I have my 38 gallon tank, a 29 that is not setup and a 55 gallon tank and 55 gallon sump that I can't wait to build, LOL. Some people never learn. (smacks self on forehead)
  2. Blown76mav's Avatar
    The 12 step program is for quitters.