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A little reef gardening today

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Today, I decided to take a little time out to clean up my reef. I removed empty snail shells littering the sand bed, siphoned out the cyano bloom that has been bothering me for the past couple of week, blasted off some of the corals usually affected with AEFW, and moved a few pieces around.

The Platygyra pini (maze coral) was being heavily shaded by the "orange blob" to the point that I knew I had to rescue it soon. When I pulled it out today, I was rather surprising how much that shaded section had paled. Now that it can absorb some light again, I'm sure it will color up.

I pulled out as much bryopsis as I could from the two overflows' teeth. That is the only spot it grows, and never goes away entirely. Give it a few weeks, and there is quite a bit to grab a hold of.

There is still more to do. I have a lot of Majanos that need to be eradicated as they are growing in numbers the longer I put off that task. I can't find any of the six Peppermint shrimp I added about a week ago, so I'm going to have to assume they were consumed by my Yellow Coris wrasse.

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  1. MarkSativa's Avatar
    Today being Saturday means only one thing for me... Clean up day!
  2. Tumbleweed's Avatar
    Marc what is your method for removing aptasia and Majanos? I have been using kalkwaser powder mixed with some water and injecting them into the mouths.
  3. melev's Avatar
    Here is that coral that I was discussing, with the right third significantly paler due to being shaded by the Montipora sp.