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What does Phosphate look like?

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The title is just a tad misleading, but I thought I'd show you what it looks like to me.

Using a Salifert PO4 test kit, I measure the water from my reef tank for Phosphate. The ideal reading is 0 to .03ppm (yes, it should be super low). Over the years, I've seen numbers as high as 3ppm in my tank to as low as 0. For the past 23 months, I've been dosing vodka daily to maintain lower nitrates, and it helps keep phosphate from rising but doesn't omit them like it does for others. I'm sure there are a few factors at play, such as my less than stellar habit of not doing regular water changes to how much food I put in my tank daily to how long my reef has been running... and probably other reasons as well.

For the past few years, I've used Blue Life USA's Phosphate Control. It's easy, not overtly expensive, and knocks them back down to 0 overnight. I add a specific number of drops to my reef, the water gets cloudy as the phosphate in the water turns to a solid (which is why this product is called a flocculant), and the skimmer exports it. I probably tend to treat my tank with Phosphate Control every 6 to 8 weeks, and always at night when my fish are at rest.

Recently, I decided I wanted to try something different. Instead of dripping 120 to 150 drops of the product into my tank, I opted to add 10 drops in the skimmer's reaction chamber, set a timer, then dose again, and again, and again, until I dosed the full amount. The reason for this method was to get a more immediate reaction in the skimmer body where I wanted to export the solid matter and at the same time stop clouding up my tank. I'd heard this is what some public aquariums do, and wanted to try it myself. For this process to work, you need to be home for the duration, which in my case was about 5 hours or so.

Lifting off the collection cup lid, it was simple to drip in 10 drops.

I put the lid back in place, and set the timer for 25 minutes. This time is the right amount to not cloud up my tank - I could wait longer of course, but the point is to complete the dosing that day. Shorter periods would result in a light fog.

By the fourth dosing, it was obvious that the product was working.

I should point out that the cup was cleaned just prior to this dosing, which happens to coincide with when I was feeding my reef. So while some normal waste is also being collected in the froth, the white stuff is what I'm trying to show you. This is Phosphate. (I'm sure some chemistry guru would argue that point, but until they do I'm going to run with my hunch that I'm reasonably accurate.)

So if you'd like to treat your tank but worry about your livestock, perhaps you could try to dose in the skimmer with a lesser amount multiple times one day. Phosphates are exported, the display tank stays clear, and your fish don't have to breathe the flocculant through their gills.

When I tested tonight prior to dosing, it was measuring .03ppm. Tomorrow I expect it will read 0. I dosed 50 drops tonight over 2.5 hours. The timer is key, as it let's you do other things and simply reminds you when it is time for the next dose, then you can get back to reading online or watching your favorite tv show. You might want to keep a note pad nearby to mark down each time you put in that dose, so you won't lose count with all those distractions.

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  1. Hat39406's Avatar
    Marc, wouldn't the skimmer actually remove most if not all the dose you put in it. After all that is what the skimmer does, remove imperities from the water, right? If the dosing chemical is similar to zeelite which works like a magnet to remove calcium and magnesium in a water softning system, then what you see would be phosphate being removed. Just some thoughts.
  2. melev's Avatar
    No, not as fast as the phosphate solidifies. When I drop in 10 drops in my skimmer which probably holds 9-10g of water, the reaction in the skimmer is almost immediate. I can't see it turn cloudy, but the froth bubbles up quickly and the sludge is proof.

    For your skimmer, it would be interesting to see what would happen. It could only take one or two drops since it is so small.
  3. Hat39406's Avatar
    We would be waiting a while for results from my
  4. washingtond's Avatar
    Very interesting and information for those who may have algae problems with their tanks. I will now have to test my water for phosphates which I have not done in a long time since our tanks do not have any algae issues.
  5. Hat39406's Avatar
    Can that help with an algae problem? If it can how? I really want to learn the water chemestry of salt water reef tanks. It will definitely help me with my tank.
  6. washingtond's Avatar
    Algae needs two basic things to grow, nutrients and light. The nutrients come in the form of nitrates and phosphates, remove the nutrients or drop the levels and the algae will go away.
  7. GoinAcropoora's Avatar
    Marc, This is really fascinating to physically see phosphates, particularly that it is a phantom amount that causes menacing algae. Looking forward to seeing if your readings will demonstrate same effectiveness between the both methods.

    Do you also employ media (GFO/Rowaphos/Aluminum Oxide), or is the vodka & BLUPC enough to do it?
  8. Hat39406's Avatar
    Hey Melev, did you are do have any article on water chemistry on Melev's Reef?
  9. melev's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by GoinAcropoora
    Marc, This is really fascinating to physically see phosphates, particularly that it is a phantom amount that causes menacing algae. Looking forward to seeing if your readings will demonstrate same effectiveness between the both methods.

    Do you also employ media (GFO/Rowaphos/Aluminum Oxide), or is the vodka & BLUPC enough to do it?
    It definitely works. I just tested a few minutes ago to give you the good report, but it isn't quite down to 0. I siphoned out quite a bit of detritus from my sump today, so I may have unleashed a little bit of the stuff into the water. Or maybe I should have dosed more that night.

    I only use this product and dose vodka. I have a skimmer, refugium with macro algae, and a calcium reactor. That's it.
  10. melev's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Hat39406
    Hey Melev, did you are do have any article on water chemistry on Melev's Reef?
    No, I don't. I keep my parameters on this page, which gives some guidelines and links to a couple of my articles. And it looks like I need to get some current measurements on that page stat!
  11. Hat39406's Avatar
    Thanks Marc for the information.
  12. marinelife's Avatar
    Marc, are you stiff doing this?
  13. melev's Avatar
    Yes, I use it and thus sell it from my site. I love this stuff. It has a new name now; it was called Phosphate Control originally but is now known as Phosphate Rx.